
About me:

Office: Owen 240 | Phone: (541) 737-0093 |

email: erica.fischer@oregonstate.edu

twitter: @erica_fischer

I completed my undergraduate studies at Cornell University in Civil Engineering. After Cornell, I worked with DeSimone Consulting Engineers and Murray Engineering in New York City as a structural engineer. I worked on several engineering projects in the New York City region including the design of new buildings and renovations of existing buildings. In my doctoral research at Purdue University, I performed large-scale structural engineering research and numerical analyses to study the performance of steel-frame buildings in fire.

After my Ph.D. I worked at Degenkolb Engineers (Seattle) performing seismic evaluations of existing buildings and designing seismic retrofits of those buildings in the Pacific Northwest. 

I started my academic career at Oregon State University in September 2017. I am currently working on a variety of projects (more information under research team). My overarching academic goals are to:

  • Examine technical topics relating to Structural Earthquake and Fire Engineering (including wildfires),

  • Promote multidisciplinary, global, and sustainable approaches to engineering, and

  • Inclusively help educate and train engineers that are more globally-engaged in research and practice.